Back to School Time!
Guess what? It is that time of year again! The excitement of school shopping, new clothes, new friends, bus schedules, class schedules, locker assignments, class pictures- all these combine to create an excited buzz. One thing we don’t plan for is the attack by a new set of germ warfare against the little bodies of our kids and ourselves! I want to help you prepare for this attack!
How can you help enhance their little immune systems? Mom, Dad, kids everyone in the house!!!
#1. Get everyone to bed just a little earlier every night so they are better rested and thus stronger.
#2. Check their diet and supplements. Are they eating lots of sugary things? Try including the PB Assist Junior in your kids diet and PB Assist in yours. They will LOVE it and they will be replenishing their gut microbiome as well! It will be a difficult task to reduce that sugar intake; it is well worth the effort!
#3. Please Check out their hand cleaner, is it loaded with chemicals and impossible names? Good old soap and water is amazing, it is so easy to use and inexpensive. However for a neat little addition to their backpack add an On Guard Sanitizing Mist to your next LRP order. Remember, as a member you always pay 25% off Retail. Create a Loyalty Rewards Order and you will get points back if it’s over 50 PV!
#4. Add a bottle of Lavender Touch or an In Tune to your order as well. Send one in the backpack to help get through any frustrations of first day, first week issues. A touch of Lavender, rolled onto that pillow at bedtime, helps send one off to the land of nod!
#5. After school snacking can be a challenge. My grandkids’ snack of choice is a smoothie made of a scoop of Vanilla or Chocolate Trim Shake, a Scoop of Terra Greens, 1 cup Almond or Rice Milk, a handful of frozen blueberries, a drop of 2 of Wild Orange oil. Blend with ice cubes and enjoy! Change up the fruits with Strawberries, Peaches, spinach, kale etc. Let your imagination go wild!!! Enjoy Lime Oil, Lemon Oil, On Guard, Wild Orange. Two or 3 drops is really all you need to boost the flavor!
#6. How old is your Skin Care? Remember that your skin is your first line of defense against the pollutants in our air. It is important to carefully cleanse it and strengthen it by keeping chemicals off! Check out your private doTERRA store. You have an amazing Anti Aging skin care system.You will feel rejuvenated with the added emollients in the skin care/Essential oils like Frankincense, Rose, Lavender are added for luxurious spoiling of your precious skin!
Take a shopping trip through your doTERRA product guide. Fill up your cart with chemical, pesticide free products at wholesale cost and, with using your LRP, get rewards for shopping as well as basically free shipping! What could be easier? Questions??? simply hit the contact link on the top!
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